In the edition expression of componnent 'Scripting' i made the :
factory = javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory.newInstance("
") ;
sourceentree = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new java.io.FileInputStream("${../XsdPath}$"));
sourceXSD = new javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource(sourceentree);
schema = factory.newSchema(sourceXSD);
validator = schema.newValidator() ;
validator.validate(new javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource(new java.io.File("${../XmlPath}$"))) ;
this is used to validate a XML file with Schema XSD.
the problem: I put a static path, I don't konw how can I use a dynamic one which we find in the File wait ?
i already tried using variables.
Thank you,