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This article provides a few ideas for controlling a Runtime's status.

Using the startcommand utility

The Runtime comes with a startcommand utility. It is a script (.bat for windows, .sh for Linux/Unix).

The idea is to check the Runtime's services status with this command:

D:\apps\stambia\stambiaRuntime_Service>startcommand "connect to localhost port 42070;get services"
D:\apps\stambia\stambiaRuntime_Service>echo off
Connecting to localhost on port 42070
Name      Status  Duration
rmi       Running 23:11:34.392
rdbms     Running 23:11:35.95
execution Running 23:11:34.548
soap      Running 23:11:32.847
listener  Running 23:11:34.548
scheduler Running 23:11:33.628

In this example, the output indicates that all the Runtime's services are "Running".

You can also specify which service you want to check, and format the output:

D:\apps\stambia\stambiaRuntime_Service>startcommand "connect to localhost port 42070;get services name rmi format '%status'"
D:\apps\stambia\stambiaRuntime_Service>echo off
Connecting to localhost on port 42070

Executing a specific process

It can be useful to develop a specific process which will check what is necessary in your very own use cases.

For example, you can design and execute a process which makes use of FTP actions, SendMail actions, Write files, SQL To Parameters... in order to check that the Runtime is able to work with the underlying servers in your architecture. And at the end of the process, you can imagine sending an email or update a flag somewhere to confirm that everything's up and running.



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