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Due to some maintenance operations, stambia.org will be switched to read-only mode during the 13th November. It will be possible to read and download, but impossible to post on the forums or create new accounts. For any question please contact the support team.

When you are facing an issue, please share the following with the support team, so that they understand what you are trying to do and what goes wrong.


1 What you need to do

For example: "I need to call a webservice for each line read from an Oracle table, and produce XML files with the webservice response".

2 Your technical environment

Provide information on the implied software/technology versions. A non-exhaustive list:

  • Stambia DI Designer (Designer version, Java version, Operating system)
  • Stambia DI Runtime (Runtime version, Java version, Operating system)
  • Stambia DI Production Analytics (Analytics version, Application server version, Java version)
  • Technologies used (Database version, Webservice protocol, etc.)
3 What you did

Provide screenshots illustrating how you implemented your need.

When applicable, also provide an "Export models and dependencies" of your mapping/process.

4 Expected result Describe what you were expecting to occur. Provide samples of expected data.
5 What you obtained

Describe the unexpected result. Show the wrong data.

Provide textual error messages (or screenshots when copy/paste is impossible)

6 Your analysis

You might have already identified important facts about the issue.

Please share these facts with us: we will gain time and you will get a solution faster!



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